About SINARG 2023

This conference's primary goal is to present contemporary achievements in science and practice in the field of architecture and civil engineering. The wish of the organizers of the conference is to provide participation of domestic and foreign professionals in theoretical and experimental research of the process of design, project management, construction, and maintenance of buildings in the construction industry. At the same time, the scientific conference will be a place to exchange experiences and information about innovations and achievements in planning, design, new materials, and technologies for construction and reconstruction in architecture and civil engineering. This conference should serve as a forum where experts from civil engineering, architecture, and related fields that interpenetrate with each other have the opportunity to present the results of their work. 
The SINARG 2023 conference organizers encourage the authors to submit the abstracts of their papers to the Scientific Committee. The authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit full papers of their original research (about 8 pages or 4000 words). All papers submitted for the conference will be reviewed by reviewers relevant to the field. The accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings with a valid ISBN, while the selected papers will be invited for publication in the journals Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering (ISSN 2406-0860 including doi identifier), and Journal of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture (ISSN 1452-2845). 
We invite all interested academicians, researchers, industrial participants, and students to take part in the work of the conference, with or without papers. The authors of the accepted papers will be able to choose between verbal or poster presentations during the conference sessions. Discussions and suggestions by the session moderators and other participants will follow the presentations. Additionally, the work program provides for the presentations of scientific books in the field of civil engineering and architecture.  
It is expected that the conference outlines the main directions of development and improvement in the subject areas, including technical regulations. The conference highlights the importance of improvement of the use of information systems, databases, records, and experiences in the area of technical regulations and recommendations of individual countries.