Abstracts deadline: April 1st 2024

Nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem Zelena gradnja 2024 – prvo obaveštenje

National Scientific Conference with International Participation Green Building 2024 – 1st announcement


The conference is organized by 

Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Nis, Serbia 

 Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, University of Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Green Build Cluster Nis, Serbia



                                           aggf GreenBuildLogo      


The organization of the conference has been supported by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, Republic of Serbia 

The scientific conference Green Building 2024 aims to present contemporary scientific and practical achievements in architecture and construction with a particular focus on the Green Building, Energy Efficiency and Bioclimatic Design domains. At the same time, the overriding aspiration of the Conference organisers is to ensure the participation of, first of all, domestic but also eminent foreign experts in sustainable construction (based on the use of energy-efficient elements and materials as well as their adequate use).

The organisers aim to gather at the conference interested designers, engineers, students, entrepreneurs, socially responsible companies, and individuals who implement available solutions in the fields of energy-efficient construction, green construction, and bioclimatic architecture. Thus, experts from these fields, which are intertwined appropriately, will have the opportunity to present their theoretical and practical work results. In addition, the Conference will emphasise the importance of improving the use of databases, records and experiences in technical regulations and recommendations of individual countries with more intensive research in these areas.

The conference will be an excellent platform for business networking among engineers who recognise the importance of providing energy-efficient, innovative, and technological solutions. In addition, it will enable the presentation of examples of good practices in applying green construction as one way to improve the quality of life.

Organisers of the Green Building 2024 Conference invite the authors to submit summaries of their papers to the Scientific Committee, after which they can submit the complete papers of their original research. All papers submitted to the Conference will be reviewed by the relevant reviewers, and those which are accepted will be published in the Book of Abstracts and the Proceedings of Conference papers, while the selected papers will be invited to be published in the papers: Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering (ISSN 2406-0860 including doi identifier), and Journal of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture (ISSN 1452-2845).

All academic community members, researchers, students, and those interested in business are invited to participate in the conference's work, with or without papers. Authors of accepted works can choose between oral or poster presentations, and discussions and suggestions from the session moderator and other participants will accompany all presentations.