The Green Building Cluster in cooperation with the Faculty of Civil Engineering from Nis organizes the 7th Green Building Conference entitled “Green Building – Civil Engineering in the Transsition Process“.
The Conference will be held on June 5th at the Faculty of Civil Engineering Nis, Serbia.
After the successful implementation of the previous four green building conferences, which gathered significant names in the field of sustainable construction (building), using energy efficient materials and elements, and using them adequately, the Green Build Cluster is preparing another expert meeting, with yet another interesting topic for the professional and general public interested in green building.
The conference will bring together all stakeholders, from engineers, designers, contractors, international and domestic manufacturers of materials, equipment and services, to investors, green entrepreneurs, the Government sector, institutions, academic sector, socially responsible companies, students, as well as individuals to use all types of assistance and facilities in the field of EE construction.
The mentioned event will be an ideal platform for business linking the engineering sector in the field of energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, improving the quality of life, as one of the ways to provide quality innovative and technological solutions and good examples of practice.
Participation of your company in professional meetings as well as regional and international events of the Green Building Cluster, is an opportunity to speak directly and in the best way present comparative advantages and the complete range of products, services, future projects in front of a professional audience and a large number of national and local media.
Concrete Partnership Benefits:
1. Company presentation for 25 minutes at the Conference
2. Branding and marking of space at the Conference
3. Distribution of your promotional material to participants of the Conference and the media
4. Highlighting your company as a sponsor of the Conference in a media campaign for the Conference – in all announcements and press releases
5. Being mentioned in specialized TV shows, newspaper articles
6. Statements by your company’s representative to media present at the Conference
7. Company logo on all printed materials
8. (Article)Text about your company in the framework of all Conference reports
9. Continuous presence on the website of the Green Building Cluster, which includes a link to your internet site.
Package price: 950 €
* Possibility of placing your advertising and propaganda material at the busiest meeting place – at the Faculty of Civil Engineering Hall and at the Hotel Aleksandar Conference.
** The logo of the company at the central slide and the banners at the Faculty of Civil Engineering Hall and at the Conference at the Hotel Aleksandar.
Concrete Partnership Benefits:
1. Company presentation for 20 minutes at the conference
2. Branding and marking of space at the conference
3. Distribution of your promotional material to participants of the Conference and the media
4. Highlighting your company as the sponsor of the Conference in a media campaign for the Conference – in all announcements and press releases
Conferences – in all announcements and press releases
5. Being mentiones in specialized TV shows
6. Statements by your company’s representative to media present at the Conference
7. Company logo on all printed materials
8. (Article)Text about your company in the publication of each conference
9. Continuous presence on the website of the Green Building Cluster, which includes a link to your internet site.
Package price: 790 €
Concrete benefits of sponsorship:
1. Company presentation for 15 minutes at the Conference
2. Distribution of your promotional material to participants of the Conference and the media
3. Company logo on all printed materials
4. Presence on the website of the Green Building Cluster, which includes a link to your internet site.
Package price: 690 €